About The
Thank You Ad: Ad Text: To: Kevin Haney, Kenny Myers, Bill Corso, Todd McIntosh & Mike Smithson - for your time and talent at the 2002 International Makeup Artist Trade Show, thank you from Premiere Products. A Very Special Thanks To: Karen Myers, Marty Matulis, Mari Okumura, Odile Corso, Bob Smithson, Matt Cable, June Myers, Richard Snell, Joel Harlow, Douglas Noe, Vivian Baker, Jill Rockow, Beth Hathaway, Ursula Hawks, Miles Sabarini & DeeDee Koos @ GM Foam, Rob Freitas, Dr. Stacey Sumner, Russ Seifert, Gregory Savalas, Joe Blasco, Last Looks Makeup Academy, Michael Key & Make-up Artistt Magazine. |